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  • Richard Ord

Return of the mask?

NHS Confederation urges Government to bring in “Plan B” Covid restrictions including mandatory face coverings

Chief executive of the NHS Confederation Matthew Taylor said things in the UK are "inevitably going to get worse" as the UK heads into winter. Adding that he is “frustrated” that the government’s criteria for “Plan B” was the position of the NHS, saying it is already “missing important targets”.

Plan B involves the return of certain restrictions. Yesterday, Downing Street said that they were sticking to plan A (how we are now) but Boris Johnson has said that they may be forced to change plans if the number of COVID-related hospital admissions and deaths continue to rise.

Sajid Javid has said that “any responsible government must prepare for all eventualities” when he gave the outline for Plan B.

What plan B involves:

  • The return of mandatory face coverings in some settings and the work from home mandate could be re-introduced

  • The public would be told "clearly and urgently" about the need to be more cautious to help control the virus

  • COVID vaccine passport certificates may be mandatory in some scenarios if the government decides to make that so

The idea of this plan is to “prevent unsustainable pressure on the NHS” but for some Conservative backbenchers, particularly those in the COVID Recovery Group who are against limitations on freedoms, they will be difficult to convince. Mr. Javid is to address the nation in a COVID news briefing tonight at 5pm where more information may be provided.

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